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purple, pink, and green watercolor blobs and silver spiral triangle logo of healing arts business coach Demara Stamler of Awakened Dreams Coaching & Consulting.

Coaching with Demara 

Whether you’re upleveling your healing practice or designing the next chapter of your life, there are no shortcuts to success. 


And, with the proper tools and resources you can accelerate your success so you can achieve your goals and realize your dreams in all areas of your life and in far less time than you can on your own.


One of the single most effective success-accelerators is coaching.


A coach or mentor helps breathe life into your intentions, transforming them into concrete goals.  Add to that the transformational tools and motivation you need to turn those goals into reality, and your life will change in ways you have yet to imagine.

Just because you've lived life doesn't mean you're finished.

And just because you’re dedicated to serving through the healing arts doesn’t mean you can’t be prosperous.

Awakened Dreams offers dynamic coaching programs tailored to your needs.


Whatever your goals may be - each coaching program is carefully mapped out in its curriculum content and progress plan for maximum effectiveness in:


  • Breaking free from limiting beliefs and self-sabotage for accelerated results

  • Developing authentic confidence

  • Determining what matters most, amplifying your vision and activating the best resources 

  • Designing strategies for overcoming fear, doubt and worry

  • Using your current life circumstances as levers for achieving your goals

  • Understanding and practicing the missing and often misunderstood principles for effectively achieving your goals

Life is no respecter of age.  If you’re breathing, life is calling you to something more.

Each month I carve out time during my speaking and coaching schedule for complimentary strategy sessions.  When you say yes to this special session, I'll help you get clear on what you want, what’s holding you back, and your best next big step.


I have a limited number of strategy session appointments available and they often book up quickly, so if you’re interested in coaching get started today!

Silver spiral triangle on green watercolor background button to individual and group coaching with visionary life coach Demara Stamler of Awakened Dreams Coaching & Consulting.
Silver spiral triangle on blue watercolor background as button for coaching curriculum of healing arts business and women over 60 coach Demara Stamler.

Coaching Curriculum

Individual or Group Coaching

Triple silver triangle frame highlighting testimonial for life & business coach Demara Stamler of Awakened Dreams Coaching & Consulting.
"Demara is a skilled professional and empathetic listener.  She brings an intuitive interpretation to each situation that I have brought to our sessions, as well as how to apply the principles to the current events of my life.  She holds my vision in our sessions, and brings strength to my process by recognizing all the ways in which my vision is manifesting.  My life has changed remarkably as a result of working with her, and I am so grateful to her."



Silver spiral triangle on top of green, blue, pink, and silver watercolor blob as logo.
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