What if the school of life is no different than grade school, middle school, high school, or graduate school. When you think about it, we're continually being introduced to a new curriculum in our life all the time.
First graders often think their curriculum is hard.
Eighth-graders think their classes are hard, and likewise, seniors in high-school think their classes are hard.
But the high school student doesn’t think the eighth-grade curriculum is challenging and the eighth-grader doesn’t think the first-grade curriculum is challenging.
The perfection of the Universe is that it has a magnificent way of keeping us on the growing edges of our own life. There's always so much more to learn.
If you’re finding your “curriculum” particularly challenging right now, know that you are in the perfect place—the green growing edges of your own becoming.
And who you're becoming is the person you were meant to be.
Here's to your higher learning!